Next day saw us shopping in the local Monoprix for groceries, plastic utensils and dishes, and water to keep us going for a few days. We then began our daily ritual of eating breakfast, preparing a lunch and going out on foot for the day. Each day upon returning we planned the next day's adventures. We really enjoyed seeing the city and felt we got a much better feel for it by walking rather than taking the metro. This delightful arrangement was possible because our hotel was ideally centrally located to the areas we planned to visit. Our days were usually 10-12 hours, ending in the hotel room for a modest evening repast and a chance for our feet and legs to recover before the next outing.
Louvre from Musee D'Orsay
Our second day was spent largely at the Louvre (7 hours worth) and we discovered the breadth of french painting through the 1800's, many of heroic size and subject matter. The collection of Italian renaissance paintings was also very impressive. Dad discovered a Rubens he did not know existed- a small shared self portrait by Rubens and VanDyke. Each artist painted his own portrait and their styles meld together perfectly. Dad found the portraits of the master and his student very telling and filled with humor. Rubens' series of enormous paintings for Catherine de Medici are housed in an enormous gallery and we couldn't help feeling that Rubens deserved a more interesting story to tell as we read the various titles of the paintings all celebrating the life of Catherine de Medici, queen and regent of France, a woman whose looks and life, even as glorified by Rubens, were rather mundane. From the Louvre we walked to the museum at The Orangerie on the other side of the Tuilerie Gardens to see Monet's Water Lilies (his final paintings, which are enormous and were housed in two circular rooms) and a wonderful collection donated by Paul Guillaume of wonderful work by Picasso, Derain, Soutine, Utrillo, and a few others.
St Chapelle
Day three saw us off to explore Ile de la Cite (an island in the middle of the Seine where Paris began. We went to see the unbelievable windows at St. Chapelle, a small private chapel built for the king. From there we saw Notre Dame Cathedral and then went on to Ile St. Louis, another small island next to Ile de la cite. Everything is connected by bridges and on the bridge to Ile St. Louis a good jazz band was playing trying to earn some money and sell CDs. We loved this little island full of shops and restaurants. We sampled sorbet at Le Berthillon, the best ice cream shop in Paris (not an idle assessment), and had a crepe from a local shop with a take out window. Next we hit the Picasso Museum, also housed in his final home in Paris, and enjoyed this collection of pieces kept by the artist and displayed in chronological order along with drawings, studies, photos and videos that showed the artist's development over his lifetime. It was very interesting and inspiring to come to a be
tter appreciation of the fertility of Picasso's creative mind. There was no plastic art form he did not practice with facility and power. Not far from the Picasso Museum was the Pompidou, Paris' museum of modern art. The building itself was remarkable, remarkable ugly on the exterior and a remarkable good space for showing art on the interior. We enjoyed the view from the escalator that climbs the building in a tube outside the structure. Here Dad finally found work by Georges Roualt, a formidable figure in French art whose work had been entirely absent in the Musee D'Orsay. On the way back to the hotel we walked through a shopping area
called Les Halles, stopped in a small local church called St. Merri while we looked unsuccessfully for the LDS church that was located nearby, and stopped into St. Eustace, a lovely church on the way. We stopped at the gardens of the Palais Royal and rested a while. Paris is full of beautiful public gardens where people come to enjoy the outdoors, read, chat, and let their children play. On the way out of this garden we saw a little pastry shop that looked good and good ourselves some treats to add to our dinner. They were really good!
Our last day in Paris was a dash to fit in the final things we wanted to see before we left. We were up early a
do your penance before you got into it. The Basilica was made of white limestone and was beautiful, but the way down was a little easier than the way up (classic understatement). We stopped in one of the shops in the area to pick up souvenirs for the folks at home. We went back to the hotel for lunch and a rest (to repair some blistered feet before pressing on) and then sallied forth to visit the Delacroix Museum in
Sacre Coeur
the Latin Quarter. Also housed in Delacroix's final home, we also saw the studio he had built onto the home and the courtyard in the center. His home is right next to the oldest church in Paris, St. Germain des Pres so we stopped in and really enjoyed this church. It was one of our favorites. Lots of famous people who lived in the Latin Quarter are buried there too, including Delacroix. We walked home via the shop at the Middle Ages Museum (more souvenirs), the book sellers on the Seine (you guessed it, more souvenirs), Le Chatelet, the Place De la Vendome where Napolean's pillar fashioned out of the cannons he captured from the defeated enemy in battle stands. This Place also is surrounded by National Government offices (in palaces) and very expensive shops. We stopped at a Monoprix to pick up some dinner and went home exhausted but thrilled with our visit.
We got up at 4:30 a.m. to be ready for the taxi that took us to the airport. On the flight from London to Philadelphia we were given first class seats (for reasons unknown to us) and were able to rest well and were treated like royalty. What a fun finish to an unbelievable opportunity and experience. Our seven days together were treasured and unforgettable. We were filled with gratitude for those who made this experience possible, not the least of whom were Mimi, Doug, and Lizzy who held down the home fort.
Pont Neuf - Au Revoir Paris!
Ah, Gay Paris - La Vie en Rose! Ecstatic you had the chance to go, a chance of a lifetime!
What a great post Mom. Thanks for all the details, I feel like I was practically there with you. I'm so glad you were able to go :)
thank you for sharing your wonderful trip to Paris with us!It was fabulous, I'm so glad to have found this cite! Bev
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