Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Circus Came to Town

Last week what remains of the Twelve Tribes of Muldowney went to go see the circus. It was a 4:30 show so it wasn't as packed and perhaps not as thrilling, but we all had a good time together. The food was a fortune, but Dad got some anyway for the experience. Lizzy suggested that next time we just smuggle our own. Mom didn't like that idea too much, even after paying $5 for a tiny thing of popcorn.
In many ways the show was better then last year's. The first act was crazy, with 3 motorcyclist going upside down and all around in a metal ball. It was intense and really impressive. There were several more fun acts as well as some that fell a little flat. Sadly the Clowns weren't up to par. Although during intermission one Clown tried selling the Clown Coloring book but as he did not speaking very good English he just shouted "De Big Clown Coloring Coloring Book" at a million miles and hour. It took us the rest of the evening to figure out what he was saying. After we had the boys and Dad were laughing about it for days afterwards. It was the funniest thing we'd seen or heard all night.
I wonder what next year's Circus will bring...

waiting for the show to start under the big top in extreme heat

The very American looking "Russian" Svetlana performing great feats on the ribbon

John waiting outside during intermission in order escape the sweltering tent


Leah said...

When did Johnny get so grown up, or should I start calling him John? I still remember us girls dressing him up as a baby and taking pictures of him because we thought he was so cute.

Mimi said...

THE SPACE WHEEL OF DESTINY!!!!! That's what I remember from the circus. Did they have that this year? Sounds like you guys had fun :)

Ann said...

What circus was it?

Elisabeth said...

it was the cole brother circus... i believe