Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's Uncanny How Much Shana Can Do

Just when we thought she had maxed out on her talents (I mean, how could can any one person be good at so many things?), Shana pulled out the canning card. During the boys' trip away from home a little peach canning party took place. Apparently this happened last year, but seeing it in action and hearing about it are two entirely different things!

Shana's helpful accomplices
Individual Members

Abby the Agile (responsible for cutting and boiling)
Bekah the Bold (responsible for peeling the peaches in ice cold water)
Shana the Shrewd (responsible for everything else, especially taste testing)
The finished product

Lush Peaches

and Blueberry Peach Preserves


Mimi said...

Shana IS a wonder. Nice pun Liz :)

Elisabeth said...

It's hard trying to live up to mom's standards, but I did the best I could...