Monday, November 23, 2009

Jacob Johnson is born!

Jacob Emmanuel Johnson was born August 24th weighing in at 8 lb. 3 oz. He was born at Bryn Mawr hospital because there was no room at the Inn (Birth Center)- 5 babies were born that day. The midwife delivered the baby after a short labor. Mom and baby doing fine. We sneaked into the hospital against the rules (two underage little girls) and they let us visit even after they discovered us. It was great to be there with Mimi, Doug and Jacob, hold the baby and celebrate together. Welcome, Jacob!


Ann said...

Wow! Booma's on a roll! LOVE all the posts and looking at all the pictures. Isaac was telling me who everyone was.

Mimi said...

Yay Jacob! He looks so tiny in these shots.

cristie said...

so much fun to see Judy with her family. xox