Sunday, March 8, 2009

Temple Trip

We had a great Youth Temple Trip on Saturday. Daddy was able to come and participate, which always makes it really special. The day was absolutely beautiful, above 70 degrees with a light breeze. We were early so we were able walked around the Temple grounds a little and saw several blissful newlyweds. It was sweet. Unfortunately Johnny won't turn 12 for another month, so he missed out on this one. I was especially sad about that because this was my last Youth Temple Trip and I had been hoping to go with Johnny on his first trip. Oh well. It was great being with Abe, as always, although all 3 of us somehow managed to be in different cars because of other people's arrangements. It was a really great experience for everyone anyway.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Your last youth Temple trip? That's a weird thought. you're getting to be an old fart Liz.