Wednesday, January 2, 2013

German Chocolate Cupcakes

I made these delicious cupcakes today.  First time ever, and they were a success (mostly).  Unfortunately they were a little too delicate, but they tasted great.  I got the recipe off of

                                          The first finished cupcakes

                                          Yummy, yummy.
            This plate took a half hour to create (no joke).  It was a pain in the neck, literally.


Ann said...

They look great! The more you bake, the better you'll get at it and the easier it will become. Keep at it, Abby! I'm sure no one will mind eating the fruits of your labor anyway. ;)

Mimi said...

They look delicious!

Unknown said...

good job. They look great. I will have to send you my German Chocolate Cake recipe. It is pretty easy and super tasty