Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Father and Son's Camp Out

As is tradition, our ward had a Fathers and Sons Camp Out. Dad and the two boys packed up all of their camping gear Friday and headed over the church's property near the Freedom Foundation. Only a few faithful tradition upholders were in attendance. But to spite lacking numbers, the boys had a great time. Sadly there are no pictures of the Father because he was taking the pictures.
Back at home the women had a girl party to celebrate the guy’s absence. It wasn't really a true girl party because Mimi joined us with Doug. But he was welcome company. We had lots of fun getting Wawa hoagies, baking cookies, and watching Freaky Friday and Mostly Martha (a fabulous German movie) while enjoying homemade slushies.
Even though we enjoyed our evening, we were all really happy to have Daddy, Abe and John come back home the following morning. Now we're a whole family again. Well... that is if you don't include the 7 other children not at home. :(


Ann said...

Ooh! I love campfire meals! I can' wait to go camping in PEI!

Mimi said...

hahaha, John's face in this picture is priceless.